Friday, July 27, 2007

Mrs Nanny has finally exited the building, no replacement yet but still looking...


A Kel called Wonder ...... said...

Good luck!

Zena said...

finally, good luck finding a new AND BETTER one though

ababoypart2 said...

One door closes ....

Arewa said...

hope u find a good one soon.. all the best!

9jamommy said...

Thanks all, I really hope I find someone soon. :)


best of luck on your search, you are searching right?

Anonymous said...

You and me both! I sent mine packing over a week ago. I had really had it. Even the gal's elder brother thought I tried keeping her that long. It was a pity, she was so hard-working and good with me son but in between the lies and being irresponsible, I would have needed an adult to supervise her so what was the point? I'm also looking and have contacted that agency. Joan I hear has travelled. Mrs. C. isn't back but some guy called Joshua is the person to talk to. You need to call everyday to remind him to send potentials. So far, seen about 3 and not pleased with them so I am taking me time......

For those who want Premeier Hospital, here are the details:

Address - 7 Ogalade Close, off Ologun Agbaje Street,(which is off Bishop Oluwole me thinks)

Tels - 01 2610805, 7741463, 4708117, 5558521, 5558522

P.s - Unfortunately I don't have any suggestions about good creches on the mainland....