Kpuff Kpuff's birthday party has finally come and gone! one big sigh of relief. So against mine and most your better judgement I decided to have a party, mind you I came to this decision last weekend to have the party on Saturday. I finally got around to inviting people and ordering food on Thursday (I called back like 3 times to change the order) then heard there was no movement on Saturday and called everyone back on Friday to tell them to come Sunday instead.
So I had this whole 'bourgie' party planned in my head where we were going to have little tables and chairs for the kids with fun games ...etc, I kind of didn't anticipate the kids wouldn't listen ...lol (I guess you learn something new everyday). Anyway long story short, as we were putting our decor up it started raining, I mean pouring...So we had to move all chairs, etc from the garden to the patio, luckily I still had a pretty good turnout, my aunt arranged for a teletubby and a clown to come..even though most of the kids screamed their heads off out of fear when they saw the teletubby...lol. In the middle of all this Kpuff Kpuff clung tightly to me and refused to come down or let anyone carry her, not even when we cut her cake, I had to stay with her the entire time..lol. Funny thing is before everyone came she was dancing and the whole nine yards. So for anyone planning anything soon here are details that might be useful:
Cakes: 1 from Just Desserts in GRA (very very pretty cake with the power puff girls and 'happy birthday puff puff caption'..lol, the other from Araba's Cakes in Yaba (this cake was so so so scrumptous, definitely using them again)
Finger Bites: Chicken Kebabs, Chicken fingers, Asun, puff puff (of course..lol), sausage rolls (more for the kids), spring rolls. I ordered from Saheetos, now their stuff is very tasty especially their asun, the downside is that they are always late, we've used them 3 times and they were late all 3 times. You just have to tell them to come like 4 hours in advance which is what I did.
Food: Jollof rice, coconut rice, barbeque chicken, shrimp stir fry, chicken stir fry, courtesy my mommy :), my aunty and my moms "divalicious" kitchen staff, Ms A.
Drinks: Smirnoff, Soft drinks, wine, champagne, stout and star courtesy of our local drink vendor Mr. Emeka or something like that..lol
Party Packs: Not even sure what was in them but I think we had some hair stuff, pencil cases, water bottles, books, craft kits..etc courtesy of Nu Metro Bookstore, Iponri market and Tejuosho Market
Now I would like to give a shout out (in the most Shanaynay voice you can imagine....lol) to my cousin J. J did ALL and I mean ALL the running around for kpuff kpuff's birthday from going to Iponri to ordering the cakes, to putting the packs together, to decorating to serving, I mean she did like everything....Love you lots chica.
All in all it was a good party, but the last one kpuff kpuff is going to have till she's 10 :).
Woooot wooot I am firstttttttttttttt!
Congrats to knuff knuff ooo
I am sure her Swwet 16 will be featured on MTV's My super Sweet Sixteen LOL
U seem to have had most things under control so that's good...
U know as we get older we now appreciate the things our mothers went through!
I can't wait to be someone's mother :) hope you took alot of pictures :)
Congratulations oooo. Now its time to take all those cute pictures, narrow them down to 6-9 and make a scrapbook.
So you think this is the last party till 10 ehh? Just wait until she turns into a princess fan. Anyway, thank God Disney will have their black princess by yr2008.
congrats again on your anniverisary of the day you brought puff puff into the world. Kudos to you for the terrific job(even if it is unpaid) you're doing as a mom!
ha... congrats to kpuff kpuff oh.
Happy Birthday, Kpuff Kpuff
Oh finally the day has come and gone...I hope she had a FAB time???
Those Naija stuffed cartoon characters scare me sef a full grown adult....and wow sometimes they stink..i guess it's being in those suit under such hot conditions.
Yeah heard Araba's Cakes are good...what I can do for some of Saheetos asun now!!!
Happy birthday to the Kpuff
I can just imagine it all now!
Happy Birthday to our darling Kpuff kpuff!
And you can now take a well deserved rest until the next event...in about 3years. 10 ko.. I decided to wait till my son could talk for a reason. He started asking for it once he was awre of what parties were! He had one at 4 and no party till 10. Na mark , we go dey mark am with cake in school...thats it!
She will be asking for a party for her friends come 4-5years of age...prepare yourself hon!!
Yay! finally! The cake looks lovely. God bless your coz for helping you get your parry together.
Stop fronting about no more parries. You know you are itching to do it again!
Didn't you read my blog about those damn teletubbies? I had a video and everything! Those things are evil. No wonder the kids were scared. lol!
Anyway, congrats and give your kpuff kpuff loads of kisses and hugs!
Lol...Bella you truly are crazy, not only super sweet 16, shoot I hope I have that type of money but I don't need my kpuff kpuff going.."but mommy, I really want that maserati..." nonsense and rubbish...lol
@neo-soul..we took a lot of pics not as much video footage as I'll have liked, don't worry enjoy your baby-free independence now
@mamabomboy..Thaaaanks!!, she's long overdue for an album or scrapbook, would you believe she doesn't have one...(tsk tsk naughty mommy). Don't worry, she and her dad and I can have the princess party with her...lol, no more sreaming children.
@excitedjade...thanks :)
@ababoypart2...thank you thank you :)
@dimples...I hope she enjoyed it too (I think so though) lol, at them stinking I didn't go close enough, they scare me too..lol. I just finished the last bit of asun yesterday ...yum yum
@uknaija..thanks :)
@bluntremi..lol...well like you said na mark we go dey mark am for the next 9 years :), my mom managed to 'swav' me of a party my entire childhood, till I vexed and invited kids over without her telling her in advance...lol, so till then she can go out with her little friends to eat and all that kinda stuff..
@solomonsydelle...thanks :) God really bless my coz cause the party might not have happened without her. Her next major birthday, we'll whip out the video and watch and eat some cake, o pari! Lol..funny thing is I just saw your teletubby post yesterday, the video was kinda crazy, well my pikin doesn't even watch tv so she doesn't have any favorite characters. Will pass on the hugs and kisses :)
AWWW! glad you guys all had a fun day.what are saheeto's prices like? I wonder if he has like an abuja office.last party or last big party..you will do some small thing for her before then now?..I still havent had a big party for my 2nd son..Maybe next year or when he is 5..Greetings to the birthday girl
Arabas cakes are always lovely!!!!!!!!!
Okay...Saheeto i know and yes, this is a bone of contention with him everytime. My mom had to intervene at my last movie day. Told them to be there for noon. They showed up at 3pm after i cazlled saheeto threatening fire and brimstone. Ish. But their stuff is yummy.
Araba Cakes - tooo delish
I wish i could have been at this fancy do....Ah Ah...
A big congratulations to the little angel!!!...but errr...you forgot to mention how old she is....Seems like you went all out for this one....anywayz, i'm glad you gave her a slamming party, kids hardly forget stuff like this.
Okay so you had my maternal instincts kicking for a moment (didn't know i had one...lol)but when you said your baby clung on you all day....awwww how sweet...got me wishing i had a little one of my own...okay enough ....snap back reality Tutsy!!! how can i take care of a baby when i don't even remember to feed my puppy atimes??? I might need to take some classes before i consider the "maternal role" for now. Anywho...congratulations again darling....any chance of putting up pictures????...lol.. okay that's my wishful side talking
Reading your blog sometimes makes me want to have a kid..........but i cant even take care of GOLDFISH! Pls post the phone numbers of Saheto & Araba. Thanks
Thanks Chioma, Saheetos prices are good I think, I don't really have much to compare it though, 100 shrimp spring rolls are N5500. All of you that are saying party before 10, we'll see about that...lol. Thanks for the greetings and happy planning for your sons birthday next year
@36 inches of brown legs.....yes they are!!, definitely a new discovery for me.
@uzo...they did exactly the same to me, the party was meant to start at 4 so I told them to come at 12 and they showed up and 3, ridiculous. Yeah apparently everyone knew about Araba's cakes except me ...lol, their cakes are definitely very good. Don't worry next time next time.. all bloggers shall be invited. Meanwhile, do you live in Omole?
@tutsy...thanks tutsy, she turned 1, I highly doubt she's going to remember this party..lol.. but there are always pics....Damn you don't remember to feed your puppy, LMAO, that's too funny, don't worry the instincts come from nowhere as soon as you have the kid
@justme..good to know I am bringing out 'mommy feelings' in everyone..lol. Don't worry I couldn't care for a plant before I had kpuff kpuff. Araba's number is: 01 897 0923 and Saheetos 0802 307 9975, 01 722 0574, 01 263 7437
Awww. Congratulations!!!!!! I am glad everythinbg went well and I laughed at the kids being terrified of tje clowns etc. They usually are at that age! You had everything under control and your cousin was really a gem! The good thing is that you get better and more experienced as you go along.
Never heard of Araba's cakes and all, maybe cos I live at the other side. The cake looked fabulous. What are asuns?
Emm yes i live in Omole...Why do you ask?
Lol! The cake looks faaab!
I believe I was one of those who said she would refuse to participate? Lol! I did exactly the same thing on my 1st birthday - clung to mummy's leg the entire time and cried my eyes out when anyone tried to take me away. This meant of course that the guy with the video camera (daddy) had to crawl beside my mother's ankle the entire time.
Worry not.. If that's how she saw in her 1st do, Kpuffy will grow into a fabulous diva Xxx
Girlfriend, you are too funny..... you actually put puff-puff on the cake? Yeah, I get it, a twist to the Powerpuff girls' eh? But of course the peeps there wouldn't have got it... Congrats on the party, it's seriously not easy planning a kids party and I'm glad that everything went well... and thanks for the info so I'll know what do do when I'm planning my babys 4th or my next twenty something!
Happy Birthday to Kpuff Kpuff. Hope u all had a blast! And the food list is just so yummy! Have a nice weekend!
@LM....thanks!!! :), yeah never heard of them as well till my cousin. Asun is a really peppery goat meat cut in tiny tiny pieces, it's not dry like suya, it has like a tomato type sauce (not wet enough either to mix with something else).
@uzo...I think we have a mutual friend or friends, I'll email you
@bitchy...thank you thank you, I picked it all by myself...heeeey..lol. Yeah I know I kinda expected that she wouldn't participate, hell she doesn't even let visitors carry her..lol. That's so cute with your dad crawling to get video footage on your birthday...:)
@nyemoni...lol, yeah my sis calls her puff puff and it kinda just stuck, and I saw the power puff cake I was like, yep this is it!!..lol. Don't worry I am now a self appointed expert..:), let me know what you need tips on.....lol
@carol...thanks carol :), have a great weekend too!
I hope you remembered to take pictures to remember her first birthday by. Nice to know it went well.
lol.. you're just saying that oh.. in the next few months... we'll be helping you plan kpuff kpuff's 2nd bday... glad it went great... congrats to you and ur baby(and please update oh)
@calabar gal, I took pics :), not enough video recording though. Thanks :)
@ovewhelmed....we'll see about that..lol, don't worry I'll update latest tomorrow :)
just discovered ur blog.nice!congrats to the little one.cheers
Had one for my daughter for her first and thought I had escaped for a while. Oh no, we have been put on notice that she wants a pink cake and a doctor cake and a bicycle and scooter and popcorn and candyfloss and lollies at her party in December when she will be 4. And the list is growing everyday. London parties are hotting up as each pary tries to outdo the last one. God help me. Hoping I will get away with an activity day somewhere but it will be in winter. Note to self, if having next child, plan better so baby is born in the summer!
thanks linkda :)
@kemimamalopes...lol, that's too funny, I can just imagine her making all those demands, well good luck, you definitely sound like you need it. I'll think of something smart to say to kpuff when she gets there, hell I have 3 years to come up with an excuse ...lol
sorry, make that thanks LINDA :).
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