Friday, April 21, 2006

Working from home

So this working from home thing is not really working. I mean over the last few months I have worked occasionally from home, but I started working exclusively from home since last Monday!. I am bored out of my freakin' mind!!! I have chatted, checked my email compulsively, watched tv, made phone calls and of course done some work :).

All that occupies my mind these days is baby & the move back to Nigeria in November (mind you I haven't been back since 99), everyone I tell asks me over and over "....are you sure?!, Nigeria is not easy oh!...." like the US is easy.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I finally succumbed to the "blog-nation". So my blog name is a tad bit misleading, "9jamommy" (naija mommy) because, technically I'm not a mom yet, but will be in a few days/or weeks. Me EDD is the 28th of April, let's keep our fingers crossed.